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News from Fielden Aero 

28 Aug 2019 - We are still unpacking boxes and setting up shop, though we will complete this herculean endeavor this week...who would of guessed moving would be so much work.  We will begin working the wings this week for the actual Aeropup that will fly to Aeropup.  Prototype wings completed and fully tested.  These wings are strong and light thanks to the webbed spare design unique to this aircraft, with the added benefit of folding.  Our optimized fuselage is rolling off the welding table this week and will be shipped to Fielden Aero for covering, fitting of wings, engine, etc.  This will be the version that will fly into Sun-n-Fun 2020.  We learned earlier that the Sport Aviation Expo in Sebring, FL has been cancelled.  So, our first Exposition will be Sun-n-Fun 2020.  This will be an exciting event for all.  Stay tuned!


13 Aug 2019 - We have some exciting news...two pieces of exciting news as a matter-of-fact...First, we are now located in Bartow, FL.  We are about halfway with moving our operations from Virginia to Florida, and expect to have move complete by mid-September.  And...for the second piece of good news...We will be at Sun-n-Fun 2020.  We will "officially" introduce the Aeropup to the marketplace at this remarkable event.  You do not want to miss this!  Make your plans now to visit.  Despite all of this activity, we have continued work on the prototype, which you will see at Sun-n-Fun.  We have perfected our CNC efforts and the results are a finely engineered and constructed fuselage.  This process is amazing and allows us to produce the highest-quality fuselage in minimum time, ensuring we will can provide a very cost-effective and easy to assemble kit.  Stay tuned for more updates and pictures.  THIS IS EXCITING!


1 July 2019 - Well...I cans see I've been negligent in posting updates about the remarkable progress we are making on the Aeropup USA.  The good news is we've been working hard on the airplane itself, updating builder' manuals, sourcing the parts at the best prices, updating drawings and working LSA certification processes.  The bad news is we've been horrible at updating this web site.  We will change!  More updates coming soon.  One BIG update...announcement...revelation...we are relocating our manufacturing equipment to Bartow, FL.  Some of you whom have watched us from the very beginning new this was always the plan.  That plan is now becoming a reality.  We are moving from Virginia to our new facility in Bartow.  Stay tuned for more updates!  As always send any questions to


28 May 2019 - Will post more pictures of the prototype to our site this week.  We are making great progress.  Some big news: we will be at the 2020 Sport Aviation Expo in Sebring, FL.  It is at this event we will introduce the Aeropup aircraft to the Public.  This year, the Expo will be held January 22 - 25, 2020.  Please come see us.  Some of the Aeropup staff will be on site, I'll (Don Fielden, owner of Fielden Aero) be there and, most importantly, the actual aircraft. I look forward to meeting all of you and showing off this remarkable airplane.  Stay tuned for more news.










8 April 2019 - Wow, what a great Sun-n-Fun this year!  It is incredible the excellent aircraft available for kit builders of all skill levels, tastes, and financial "willingness".  Aeropup USA will be sun-n-Fun next year and we will proudly introduce Aeropup to the USA market.  It will be a most exciting event for us as we believe we have an awesome, safe and very affordable airplane that many different types of enthusiast with widely differing skill levels will enjoy building and flying.  Stand by for more updates.


20 Mar 2019 - Prototype construction is going great.  We are making lots of improvements to make building the Aeropup even easier.  We will offer a standard fast-build kit and also a deluxe fast-build kit, which will provide for faster build times compared to standard kit (although, I think the standard kit is a must for those that truly enjoy building airplanes).  We are producing the very easy to use Builder's Manual and we'll post samples to our web site very soon.  Finally, we entered arrangements with materials production companies whom will produce some of our components very precisely and at very good prices.  This allows us to ensure consistently high-quality kits utilizing the best of materials for a very cost effective, high quality and extremely safe airplane.    Updates to follow.


28 Jan 2019 - Time continues to fly!  We are making great progress on the prototype.  We are starting the paperwork associated with the LSA certification process.  We are also solidifying business relationship with the source of our unique spar.  The Aeropup uses a webbed spar which provides greater strength with less weight compared to typical aluminum spars.  Be sure to visit the Aeropup Forums to stay apprised of construction progress.  


7 Jan 2019 - is 2019 already!  Happy New Year everybody!  This year is shaping up to be an exciting year as we are scheduled to introduce the much anticipated Aeropup kit to America.  Stay tuned and check back often for update.  Go to our home page and subscribe to our email updates...never miss hot news!


5 Dec 2018 - Welcome to the new Fielden Aero and Aeropup USA web site.  Check in periodically to get updates on what is new at Fielden Aero.  

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