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Aeropup Kit Add-ons

Below you find kit add-ons. These are products you can buy to add on the base Aeropup kit. This list will grow over time so if you don't see something your interested in just let us know, and we can look into it for you.


        UL-350iS FWF Package          

 Approx  $30,000.00 (Call for Quote)

The UL-350iS is a 130 Hp direct drive motor with Fully Automated Digital Engine Controls (FADEC). Provides for engine and major systems necessary for Firewall Forward Packages.  Includes custom Aeropup cowling and engine mount for UL-350Is engine.

Carbon Fiber Wheels 

Various Prices

 The carbon fiber wheel reduce weight by 40% and are twice as safe in both static and fatigue tests. Compared to aluminum wheels. Wheel sizes are 4", 5" and 6".


DUC Propellers 

Various Prices


 The prop you see on the Demo Aeropup is in fact a DUC propeller. Demo Uses a Modified Swirl - 2 with a electronic In flight adjustable pitch prop with reverse pitch.  

All props purchased through  Fielden Aero receive a 10% discount

  Hydraulic Toe Brake Kit


Toe Brake Kit Includes wheels, brakes, master cylinders, external fluid reservoir, brake lines, hoses, fittings, mounting hardware and installation manual.

Rudder Pedal Kit
$120 per Pair

Rudder pedal kit includes Aeropup unique custom fabricated rudder pedals, mounting hardware and installation Manual

Fuel Tank Mounting Kit 
(Single Fuel Feed Line Per Tank) 

This kit includes all necessary aluminum fuel lines, fuel hoses, fittings, mounting and clamping hardware, fuel selector value and installation manual for single fuel feed line fuel systems. Builders will cut fuel lines and hoses to accommodate variances in specific installations. This kit works with the folding wings of the Aeropup.

Fuel Tank Mounting Kit

(Fuel Feed/Return Lines Per Tank)


  This kit includes aluminum fuel lines, fuel hoses, fittings, mounting and clamping hardware, fuel selector value and installation manual for dual fuel feed line fuel systems. Builders will cut fuel lines and hoses to accommodate variances in installations.

Oratex Covering
Approx $6,934 (Call for Quote)

 Provides all covering material (Oratex 600), tape, rib stitching and accessories necessary to cover the Aeropup. Colors available are White, Cub Yellow, Fokker Red, Corsair Blue, Olive Drab, Silver, Natural White and Antique.

Oratex Covering Tools

  Includes all tools necessary for the complete installation of Oratex materials. Tools Include special thermostatic controlled iron and heat gun (you can NOT use low cost iron and heat guns on this fabric), needles, etc.

  Carbon Fiber Upgrade 
$700 (Full Set)

 Upgrade to carbon-fiber wing tips and wing roots for a modern, light weight, strong and extremely smooth finish with outstanding durability.

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