Distinguishing Features
The Aeropup has many innovative features that enhance flying qualities, comfort, safety, ease of flying while easy on the budget. Key features include:
• Folding Wings
• Conventional or Tricycle Gear
• Two Place Side-by-Side Seating
• Rugged Steel Frame “Safety Cage” Fuselage
• Three-Spar Wing with Webbed Main Spar
• Can be Equipped with Floats
• Easy to Build - only 500 hours to build
• Easy to Maintain with Maintenance Friendly Features
• Total cost to build: $50,000 - $55,000 (est)
• Total Estimated Hourly Costs to Fly: $25/Hr (est)
Folding Wings
Aeropup Price is $22,500
The Aeropup...A "Back to Basics" Flying Machine
...Easy to build
...Easy to Fly
... Extraordinarily Rugged...and Folding Wings!
Length…………………………….…........................….19.9 ft
Height ………………………......................…….….….5.75 ft
Cockpit Height………….................………...…..37 in
Cockpit Width……………….................…...…...42 in
Number of Seats…………………...…..............2
Number of Doors…………………...….............2
Empty Weight* ………………..…….................540 lbs
Gross Weight (non-LSA)……....…….....…1650 Ibs
Gross Weight (LSA)……………....……..........1300 Ibs
Wing Span………………………....…...................27 ft
Wing Chord…………………….....…...................4.0 ft
Wing Area………………………......…..................108 sq ft
Wing Loading…………………......….…............6.1 Ibs/sq ft
Dihedral…………………………......….…...............2.0 Deg
Aspect Ratio…………………….....….............….6.75:1
Max Speed (Vne)..…………...............……...130 Kts
Cruise Speed……………………….............……100 Kts
Stall Speed (with Full Flaps)........……36 Kts
Rate of Climb*………………...............…...600 - 1200 ft/min
Take-off Distance……………….....…..…….320 ft
Landing Distance……………...….......….….450 ft
Fuel Capacity………………………..............….24 gal
Fuel Burn*……………………….................………3 - 5 gal/hr
Endurance*……………………...........…...……..5 - 8 hrs
Range*………………………….….................……..570 miles
Load…………………………......................….……..+4 g - 3 g
Width with Wings Folded….........……8 ft
Ailerons Area…………………….......…....….…10 sq ft
* Actual specs vary with options and engine type
Aeropup flying in Australia built by Bruce Bailey
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Contact Us Anytime
(Caution...We love talking about this plane!)
410 S Broadway Ave
Bartow, FL 33830
Phone: 540-229-5528
Bartow, FL